564,159 research outputs found

    „Volcker/Vickers Hybrid“?: The Liikanen Report and Justifications For Ring Fencing and Separate Legal Entities

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    Whilst some valid and justified arguments have been put forward in favour of ring fencing, that is, constructing a fire-wall between consumer and investment banks, and that such activities can be achieved without re structuring banks into separate legal entities, the Liikanen Report highlights why there is need for such re structuring. As well as considering the merits of ringfencing and the establishment of separate legal activities and entities, this paper aims to highlight why a suitable model aimed at mitigating risks of contagion can to a large extent, be justified on a cost-benefit analysis basis. Furthermore, the paper ultimately concludes that even though a greater degree of separation of legal entities and activities persist with the model which is referred to as „total separation“, a certain degree of independence between bank activities would also be necessary under ring fencing if its purposes and objectives are to be fulfilled


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    Offsetting is a specific method of settling mutual obligations, where the same persons are at the same time creditor and debtor one to another, and by means of which obligations are settled up to the smallest value. Offsetting of mutual obligations is a common way of settling debts, especially in the economic crisis marked by lack of liquidity, among others. There are different offsetting procedures provided by Romanian legislation, according to residence, size of offset amount and state’s involvement in the transaction. The analysis of each offsetting situations encountered in the practice of Romanian legal entities, highlights a series of particularities that should be properly considered for their validation.offsetting, residents, non-residents, obligations

    Authorization Entities (Legal Guarantee Review)

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    The guarantee agreement for guarantee rights is flexible to be implemented, it does not have to be carried out alone by the party that guarantees it. If represented, it is made in the form of SKMHT that must be made in a notarial deed or PPAT deed. If it follows the provisions in Article 15 of the UUHT, credit is a daily necessity for the community both in the context of meeting consumption needs and in terms of doing business in various business fields, compared also with bank credit contracts as stated by Kevin Kogin. Today's business transactions move quickly and increasingly involve all elements of society as a business. The ultimate purpose of the prohibition of the Power of Attorney Imposing Mortgage Rights (SKMHT) as a special power of attorney is to provide legal protection to creditors. SKMHT is a special power of attorney that can only be controlled by the direct power of attorney because it is only related to the power of making APHT with a creditor in the presence of PPAT. If the power of attorney is substituted, it will make creditors difficult if there is a dispute to conduct legal relations because there are too many parties to be able to connect directly with the debtor. In addition, if it is substituted, the creditor will lose his rights and position as the preferred creditor to the receivables that have been given to the debtor

    Legal Regime of Property of Ukrainian Legal Entities

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    This article examines the existing legal regime of property of legal entities under Ukrainian legislation. Various forms of legal right to property are analysed by the author: ownership, right of economic and operational management, right to use and other real rights and rights of obligation (rights in personam). Most existing titles are controversial, both from a theoretical and practical standpoint. From a theoretical standpoint, it is rather hard to distinguish these forms one from another and to point out their peculiarities. This is especially true about rights of economic and operational management, which were designed in the Soviet period for the purposes of the Soviet economy, but somehow remained in modern Ukrainian legislation. As existing case law shows, this leads to numerous legal disputes which reveal, in particular, the problems of liability of a legal entity and its property independence. The most notorious among these disputes are analysed in the paper, including the dispute between the Ukrainian state and Ukrainian trade unions regarding property transferred to them by the former USSR, the dispute between certain Ukrainian companies and the Russian Federation on property expropriated in Crimea. Based on the analysis, the author suggests certain solutions to existing problems. First, the author insists on recognizing legal entities as property owners. Second, the author proves that public companies need more detailed regulation and are to be provided a clear legal status. It is preferable to stipulate these issues in the Civil Code of Ukraine thus providing comprehensive regulation on all types of legal entities

    Named Entity Recognition in Indian court judgments

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    Identification of named entities from legal texts is an essential building block for developing other legal Artificial Intelligence applications. Named Entities in legal texts are slightly different and more fine-grained than commonly used named entities like Person, Organization, Location etc. In this paper, we introduce a new corpus of 46545 annotated legal named entities mapped to 14 legal entity types. The Baseline model for extracting legal named entities from judgment text is also developed.Comment: to be published in NLLP 2022 Workshop at EMNL

    Non-Profit Associations as Legal Entities

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    The truth is that some influential non-profit associations long have vigorously fought attempts to give clear legal form and substance to unincorporated associations. They like having it both ways. It is very convenient to be able to be sometimes a legal entity and sometimes not, sometimes a partnership and sometimes not-very convenient for the association (or its managers), not so convenient for creditors, regulatory agencies, injured members, or others affected by the will-o-the-wisp nature of the association

    B-CoC: A Blockchain-Based Chain of Custody for Evidences Management in Digital Forensics

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    One of the main issues in digital forensics is the management of evidences. From the time of evidence collection until the time of their exploitation in a legal court, evidences may be accessed by multiple parties involved in the investigation that take temporary their ownership. This process, called Chain of Custody (CoC), must ensure that evidences are not altered during the investigation, despite multiple entities owned them, in order to be admissible in a legal court. Currently digital evidences CoC is managed entirely manually with entities involved in the chain required to fill in documents accompanying the evidence. In this paper, we propose a Blockchain-based Chain of Custody (B-CoC) to dematerialize the CoC process guaranteeing auditable integrity of the collected evidences and traceability of owners. We developed a prototype of B-CoC based on Ethereum and we evaluated its performance

    Administrative liability of legal entities: certain problems of legal regulation

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    Комзюк, А. Т. Адміністративна відповідальність юридичних осіб: деякі проблеми правового регулювання / А. Т. Комзюк, Є. А. Липій // Право і безпека. – 2017. – № 2 (65). – С. 34–38.Комзюк А. Т., Липій Є. А. "Адміністративна відповідальність юридичних осіб: деякі проблеми правового регулювання." Право і Безпека 2 (2017): 34-38.Komziuk, A.T. and Lypiy, Ye.A. (2017), “Administrative liability of legal entities: certain problems of legal regulation” [“Administratyvna vidpovidalnist yurydychnykh osib: deiaki problemy pravovoho rehuliuvannia”], Pravo i Bezpeka, No. 2, pp. 34–38.Визначено проблеми правового регулювання адміністративної відповідальності юридичних осіб, а також можливі шляхи їх вирішення. Зроблено висновок, що, пройшовши шлях від заперечення самої можливості притягнення до адміністративної відповідальності юридичних осіб до визнання їх суб’єктами цієї відповідальності в кількох окремих законах, законодавство про адміністративні правопорушення у своєму розвитку має пройти наступний етап – визначити загальні правила та процедури адміністративної відповідальності юридичних осіб, без чого неможливо забезпечити належний захист цих осіб від неправомірного притягнення до відповідальності. У зв’язку з тим обґрунтовано необхідність прийняття нового Кодексу про адміністративні проступки, в якому ці питання має бути комплексно вирішено, що сприятиме забезпеченню законності цієї відповідальності.The problems of legal regulation of administrative liability of legal entities, as well as possible ways of their solution, have been determined. Attention is drawn to the fact that there is a tendency to constant increase of misdemeanor’s number, cases of which are considered by judges. Accepting the fact that administrative liability are less and less distinguished by administrative procedure of implementation, it is noted that it means one thing – it simply needs to be made administrative again, for which all the offenses for which penalties are imposed in court should be determined as felonies. It has been concluded that after passing the way from the denial of the even possibility of bringing legal entities to administrative liability to recognizing them as subjects of this liability in several separate laws, the legislation on administrative offenses in its development should go through the next stage – to determine general rules and procedures for administrative liability of legal entities, without which they can not be protected against unlawful prosecution. In this regard, the author has grounded the necessity of adopting a new Code on Administrative Offenses, which should comprehensively resolve these issues that will contribute to ensuring the legality of this liability.Определены проблемы правового регулирования административной ответственности юридических лиц, а также возможные пути их решения. Сделан вывод, что, пройдя путь от отрицания самой возможности привлечения к административной ответственности юридических лиц к признанию их субъектами этой ответственности в нескольких отдельных законах, законодательство об административных правонарушениях в своем развитии должно пройти следующий этап – определить общие правила и процедуры административной ответственности юридических лиц, без чего невозможно обеспечить надлежащую защиту этих лиц от неправомерного привлечения к ответственности. В связи с этим обоснована необходимость принятия нового Кодекса об административных проступках, в котором эти вопросы должны быть комплексно решены, что будет способствовать обеспечению законности этой ответственности